A Reflective Mother’s Day Vignette

Mother's Day vignette

The key to this vignette is the meaning behind all the pieces, which makes me the person and mother I am today. I know it sounds a bit deep or out there, but it’s not that complicated. It’s simply things that remind me of my mother and of my children, who are the people who call me mom.

The inspiration for this vignette was simply the photographs. I wanted the pictures of what the word mom resonates with me. So simply, a picture of my mom and a picture of my children. This is the personal definition of “mom” for me in a nutshell. I normally do not use many personal photographs in decor vignettes, but that’s why this one is a little bit different in a special way.

Mother's Day vignette

Unfortunately, I lost my mom at a youngish age of 17, and both of my children are young adults and older than I was when I lost my mom. I reflect on this all the time. I am so grateful I experienced both of my children graduate high school. Although I did not have the benefit of seeing my son walk the stage since he’s a class of 2020 kid, but hopefully I will see him do it next month as he graduates college.

Mother's Day vignette

I am grateful to have close relationships with both our kids. I am grateful our kids enjoy spending time with us parents. The thought that this is due to the fact we instilled “family” values into our kids is not lost on me, which was in turn instilled by my parents in me. Family is everything.

As I stated above the photos are the stars, but they do not necessarily “steal” the show. Actually, I am probably the only one who knows or will notice their importance.

Mother's Day vignette

I originally chose a picture of the Masterpiece littles, but finally decided to use a current photo, which personified their station in life now. I love the people they have become and adulting with our children is a privilege that I fully appreciate.

This vignette is set on the bombe chest in the foyer where my Santos bust sits most of the time. I like to decorate with bits of religious and spiritual touches here and there. That, I know is 100% instilled by my mother. She decorated with many religious artifacts, influenced by European decor aesthetics. As a young child, I wasn’t a fan, but here we are.

Mother's Day vignette

The Santos bust is sitting on a stack of vintage books and wearing my mother’s rosary beads, which I held walking down the aisle when I married Mr. M. She was there in spirit with me. Although, I am no longer a “practicing” Catholic and consider myself a Christian, I fully appreciate all the beliefs my upbringing has instilled in me.

As a nod to the special day I found this book while antiquing last year and had to pick it up. The booked was priced a little bit higher than I usually like to pay for vintage books, but this is one of those instances where I decided to splurge.

Mother's Day vignette

Obviously I loved the title, but I also loved the coloring and condition of the book. Plus the graphic on the front cover its everything. It’s so lovely.

As you all well know, I love my organic touches. The boxwood orb usually sits in the urn I up-cycled a few years ago {refreshing urn transformation part deux}. Plus I have some faux and preserved florals in the special vase my friend gifted me at Christmas.

Mother's Day vignette

Also a small moss ball sits on a silver chalice to round out the organic feels. Moss balls are a fabulous decor accent in so many ways.

There’s a couple of other details which make me smile. The hanky sitting on the silver cup, peaking under the moss ball is a recent buy here {2nd hand shopping at the Great Junk Hunt}. The colors are perfect for me and my mom’s name is Margarita, which means daisy in Spanish.

Mother's Day vignette

The other detail I love is the little thrifted basket I recently repurposed. You can read all about it here {easy thrift storer basket make-over in 3 ways}. I still cannot believe this great basket only cost me a dollar.

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The little decor vignette, honoring Mother’s Day, sits on the bombe chest in the foyer. We walk through the foyer countless times a day since it’s in the middle of the house The foyer divides the bedrooms, which is what I call the private part of the house, from the public side, which includes the kitchen, dining, living and family rooms, etc.

Mother's Day vignette

Anyway, my point is that we walk by this little vignette multiple times per day. Every single time I appreciate it, bringing a smile to my face. Neither of my children will be home for Mother’s Day but they are always with me. And I do still have {Misty}, my fur baby.

Mother's Day vignette

I wish everyone a brilliant Mother’s Day and thank you for visiting me today. This one was from the heart.

Mother's Day vignette
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Mother's Day vignette

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  1. Ohhh I LOVE This!! How special. I love the sentiments for your mom…it’s so cool how you found that daisy hanky in honor of her, too!! Also, that book….spectacular!!

  2. Your family is so lovely, MaryJo. That photo of your mom is amazing. Such a movie star! Have a wonderful Mother’s Day!

  3. I love this idea MaryJo! It’s so special how you honored your Mom! I lost my Mom seven years ago and Mother’s Day has never been the same! I adore how you added a picture of your kids too! It’s a lovely vignette and I know it has brought you a lot of joy! Happy Mother’s Day!!

  4. You summed up Mother’s Day perfectly. It’s all about Family the most important thing in life. thanks for sharing this with all of us.

  5. Your Mother is so beautiful. I can really see her in you. This is s lovely tribute. Thank you for sharing. Happy Mother’s Day to you.

  6. I love everything about your vignette, MaryJo! The photo of your mom, she was so beautiful and you were so young when she passed away. All of the elements portray a stunning display for motherhood! Wishing you a Happy Mother’s Day!