garland from fall into winter

So I’ve wanted to create a burlap | pinecone garland for awhile now.
One that I can use for fall | Thanksgiving and take right into my Christmas decor…..
and today was the day.
This is all I used.
Burlap ribbon, small | medium-ish pinecones, twine, needle & scissors.
I cut the burlap ribbon into strips so I could fold it over about 6 times.
Each fold is about 3 inches wide.
It’s not an exact science.
I did not measure once.
I  just eyeballed it as I went.
I used 7 strips of the folded burlap ribbon & 8 pinecones.
I simply threaded the twine thru the middle of the folded burlap
And then wrapped it twice around each pinecone, leaving it a bit loose.
 You can decide how tight or loose you would like it.
Simply alternate between burlap & pinecones & then tie knots at each end.
I love how it looks.
Simple. Rustic.  No fuss.
But at the same time it finished off the mantel perfectly.
When Thanksgiving is over I can simply add greenery and viola a Christmas garland.
I got my burlap ribbon at Michael’s a few weeks ago when it was 3 rolls for the price of one.
Not sure if the promotion is still running but thought Id share.
partying with:
feathered nest friday @ french country cottage
inspire me please @ liz marie
share your cup thursday @ have a daily cup of mrs. olson
show & share @ coastal charm
vintage inspiration @ my salvaged treasures
the scoop @ confessions of a plate addict
inspire me tuesday @ stroll thru life


I love hearing from you!


  1. Aren’t you glad you finally did it? I love this idea MaryJo and such a great idea to simply add some greenery for the Christmas season. Thanks so much for sharing at Vintage Inspiration Party.

  2. I love burlap and mixing in the pine cones is the perfect bit of rustic! Looks wonderful with your beautiful brown transferware. I have a small collection and found a few new pieces at a thrift today. I agree that it will be an easy transition change for Christmas. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.