DIY Moss Containers from Tin Cans

DIY moss containers from tin cans
DIY moss containers from tin cans

If you have been here longer than a hot minute then you know I absolutely love moss. If you are new here, welcome and I hope you enjoy this easy project. I’ve used moss in many ways, and I have always wanted to do this particular project, but really never had a “need” per se. I’m setting a spring bloom table soon, and I want to use these containers, so here we are.

DIY moss containers from tin cans

You can create so many table top pieces for pretty table designs using moss. I’ve shared a few before, including plate chargers, table runner and napkin rings. I love the organic touch it brings to a table. I have a few new ideas to share with you soon.

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DIY moss containers from tin cans

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  • Thoroughly clean out tin cans, removing all labels
  • Lay can on moss sheet and cut a piece of moss according to the height of the can
DIY moss containers from tin cans
  • Peel backing from moss sheet
DIY moss containers from tin cans
  • Gently apply moss on can and adhere working around the can until both ends meet
  • Cut any excess moss sheet
DIY moss containers from tin cans
  • Voila!
  • Fill, style and enjoy!
DIY moss containers from tin cans

The self adhesive moss sheets makes this a super easy and fast project. I had moss sheets left over from this project {how to make your own DIY moss cross for Easter}, making this project even easier. These are the moss sheets I used. If you have loose moss and would prefer to use that, simply use spray adhesive or a hot glue gun to adhere the moss. It will take longer and create more of a mess, but definitely still doable.

DIY moss containers from tin cans

I had plenty of moss to create the large and medium cans with one strip of moss. For the last and smallest can, I had to put pieces together to cover the whole can. It required more cuts, but the moss meets up so well, making the end result seamless.

DIY moss containers from tin cans

I used three different sized cans because I wanted to create a varied assortment, but you could use any size you want depending on the look you are going for and the need you are satisfying. The same size can could be used for multiple centerpieces at a party. Also don’t stop at food cans. You could use an old gallon of paint for a larger piece.

DIY moss containers from tin cans

These containers are not only super easy to make but incredibly versatile. You can use them as vases for flowers or cache pots for plants. You could also use them as caddies in your craft area or desk space for pens, craft brushes, scissors etc. They could also be used in a bathroom for cotton swabs, cotton balls, soaps, make-up brushes and more. They really could be used in a myriad of ways.

DIY moss containers from tin cans

These moss containers would also be a great solution for a party event. You could create multiple centerpieces at a minimal cost. They could also be great party favors for guests. Oh! I just gave myself an idea. I love when that happens.

DIY moss containers from tin cans

These are fabulous plain, but decorative accents can also be added for interest. I added some twine, which is super simple. You can also add ribbon to compliment your event or styling. An added charm or tag would also be a super sweet touch. Have fun and make it yours!

DIY moss containers from tin cans

I hope you have some time to create some DIY moss containers using tin cans. It’s a super easy, inexpensive and versatile piece you can enjoy through the seasons for years to come.

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DIY moss containers from tin cans

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  1. I’ve never seen a moss mat before–that would make this project so easy! I love the can with the roses in it. Lovely! Thanks for sharing this post with us at the Will Blog for Comments #37 linkup. We hope to see you next time at #38 sharing more posts. Have a great week.

  2. Hi MaryJo! These turned out amazing! It’s so fun to turn trash into treasure and I think moss makes everything look better!

  3. Do you have any examples of a living wall garden? I’ve seen a few with succulent plantings. Not sure how they keep them in place.