Easter tablescape

Hi friends.  I know Easter has come and gone but I wanted to quickly pop in and share our Easter tablescape for this year for future reference.  

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Easter was fun and we were blessed with a little bit of family.  I shared our menu in my last post which you can read all the details here{Easter menu ideas}.

Easter Menu Ideas8Easter menu ideas

Now we are away for my daughter’s Spring break, spending a few days in Lake Tahoe.  It was a quick get out of dodge decision when Lexi’s coach announced she wouldn’t have practice during the week; we still need to be home for her games on Saturdays but Monday-Friday we are free to wander!

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Table of Contents

The table was set with our usual wedding Lenox China, Waterford crystal and Camusso sterling, which you have seen grace many tablescapes here.

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The fun touches for this Easter were the chocolate candy compotes at each place setting and the dough bowl centerpiece.

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The dough bowl is filled with a pile of grapevine carrots and a mound of faux eggs.

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And unbeknownst to me, while I took all these pictures, before our guests arrived, I forgot to set napkins. 🙈😱🤦‍♀️  I did not realize until I served the soup and we sat down to dinner and started eating, when someone asked if “we could use napkins?”. 😂

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Luckily the linen closet is right around the corner and it has recently been organized here{linen closet organization} so I could easily find napkins without having to scramble and count if there was enough.

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Ugh!  It is not my favorite when I miss small details like that but truth be told it’s part of reality.  We are all juggling so many balls and wearing so many hats, some things are bound to fall in between the cracks.   

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I can clearly very much use this R&R for a few days while we reenergize, enjoying Miss M’s spring break, before we get back to reality.

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I hope everyone who celebrates enjoyed their Easter holiday and is basking in the kick off to Spring goodness.  I am loving what Spring is doing to our gardens this year and I cannot wait to share!

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“By grace we are saved through faith.”
~Kevin DeYoung~
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Mercury glass moss easter tablescape  Easter 2014 1   Spring tablesetting idea

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